• Family-owned business founded in the year 1979 in Lippstadt
• Specialisation in technical equipment for areas with potentially explosive atmospheres, main
focus lighting technology
• September 1983: first certified explosion-proof linear luminaire
• Due to expansion, 1986 move to Rüthen (Sauerland region)
• 1998: certification DIN ISO 9001 and certification explosion protection, including exemption
from routine testing
• Since the end of 2005: exclusive supplier of standard lighting for the hard coal mining industry
• Beginning of 2006: extension of the product portfolio by luminaires for industrial applications
• Beginning of 2008: extension of the product portfolio by LED street lighting
• 2013: one more milestone in the long business tradition: development of the victorious
luminaire PaLeStra® (patented in 2016)
• Mid-2015: Listing of LED luminaires at the Deutsche Bahn (German Railways)